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Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Captive of the Bratva King by Aria R. Blue

What you will get with CAPTIVE OF THE BRATVA KING is a story that will satisfy your appetite for OTT obsessive MMC romance. Dimitri is so obsessed it is a miracle he has time to be a Bratva Pakhan. He is so immersed in Briar from the first page.

What you will also get is so much spice, bunnies will look lazy. Dimitri not only speaks loudly with his actions, but he is particularly talented with his words.

I did have a little trouble following some things in the story that took place in other books in the series, and this book ended rather abruptly. I can offer my opinion after reading an early copy of the book, and I recommend it for people that enjoy dark mafia and obsessive romance.

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